
Explore how we plan to reduce poverty across London.

Despite being the richest city in the UK, London has the most people in poverty. Find out how the growth plan will make sure that all Londoners benefit from growth.

Why it matters

The purpose of economic growth is to improve lives. Too many Londoners are excluded from contributing to and benefiting from growth. This blights their lives, reduces London’s productive potential and undermines social cohesion.

To reduce poverty, London must bring down housing costs; turn more jobs into good jobs; break the vicious cycle of sickness and poverty; help Londoners to get the skills to get into work and progress their careers; increase access to support and advice; support underserved entrepreneurs; and improve public transport.

Our ambition

Raise the household weekly income (after housing costs) of the lowest earning 20% of Londoners by 20%. This would mean that at least a million London households would have on average an extra £50 to spend each week after paying for housing costs.


more to spend each week

What we will do

How we will achieve our inclusion ambition:

  1. Pay and employment rights: Reduce in-work poverty by turning more jobs into quality jobs with fair pay and predictable hours. The plan for this is in the inclusive talent strategy
  2. Economic inactivity: Reduce the number of Londoners in poverty because they are unable to work due to sickness, low skills or other barriers. The plan for this is in the inclusive talent strategy.
  3. Growth sector employment: Increase employment of underrepresented groups in the higher-paying growth sectors. The plan for this is in the inclusive talent strategy.
  4. Small business support: Grow the incomes of underrepresented small business owners. Support local community businesses which provide vital local services and employ people close to home. The plan for this is in backing our businesses
  5. Living costs: Reduce living costs for the poorest by building more affordable housing, keeping transport costs down and helping homes to be more energy efficient. The plan for this is in housing and infrastructure

Explore our plan to promote inclusion

Learn more about how we aim to strengthen inclusion in London by 2035.

Download full plan

Discover the key actions