Partnership between London and UK government

Find out how London and UK government are long-term partners for growth.

The UK government’s most important mission is growth. London is the nation’s growth engine. Kickstarting the London economy must be the first step. London can generate growth quickly to fund investment and public services across the UK.

The starting point is a long-term, strategic relationship between UK government and London as its most powerful partner in growth.  

Partnership for growth

An effective partnership for growth between London and UK government has three elements. These are long-term shifts in the way London is funded, financed and governed.

Foundations: Sustainable funding to deliver the core public services that underpin growth in a global city.

Freedom: Much of London’s growth could pay for itself if London could retain and reinvest some of the upside of the growth it creates.

Funding: London needs long-term, predictable investment in the transformational infrastructure and services that will raise its long-term growth trajectory.

Creating the conditions for growth

Many of the government’s recent decisions will support growth in London. In addition, the following moves would materially boost growth in London:

  • Migration: a pro-growth migration policy that is linked to skills.
  • Trade policy: more focus on services, such as more mutual recognition in financial services, digital and data, and professional qualifications. Greater alignment with the European Union (EU) as our biggest trading partner.
  • University funding: a sustainable settlement for higher education.
  • Culture: investment in culture as a key driver of the experience economy.
  • Skills policy: move to an employer-led skills system, based on the most effective systems in Europe.

Explore our plan to promote growth in London

Take a deeper dive into our plan for London’s future.

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Working together to drive growth in London